
Roydan Welcomes Will Kyle to the Team

Prior to starting at Roydan, Will worked for his own clients in a freelance capacity creating web-based solutions. He notes that freelance work gave him experience in driving the design process for software products. Will also gained a great deal of experience creating customer solutions in his earlier role as “customer-facing” Technical Solutions Engineer at the Madison, Wisconsin based healthcare software giant, Epic.

In his new role at Roydan, he will be focused on improving the overall user experience with Roydan’s software solutions. “I will be creating smoother and more intuitive workflows, while making things look and feel more comfortable to use. I will also be in constant communication with our users to conduct research,” Will notes.

Will is looking forward to helping drive the success of the Roydan customer by enabling them to reach their productivity and profitability goals. However, more than anything he his excited to make their lives easier. “I hope that through improvements to our software, our customers will become more effective and efficient while enjoying higher employee satisfaction and retention,” he adds.

The added responsibility of his new role with Roydan is particularly appealing to Will, but he is also looking forward to creating solutions using the knowledge he has gained over his career. “Roydan brought me on board to guide major fundamental improvements to our software. On one hand, I was drawn by the high degree of responsibility that I would have with this role. On the other, I was intrigued by the opportunity to make a large and valuable impact using my skill set,” he reflects.

When he is not working to make our customers’ work lives easier, you might find Will in a kitchen or an art studio. “I am a creative person who loves experimenting with food and art,” he shares. However, you are just as likely to catch him taking in a new TV show or even a foreign movie.

In closing, Will wants the Roydan customers to know that he has an open door (or phone) policy. “I am very approachable and always love to hear from you. Feel free to contact me directly, anytime. My job is to make your life easier.”