
Toua Thao Joins the ROYDAN Development Team

We are excited to have Toua Thao join our Development Team. Starting as a Development Department Trainee this past March, Toua began with a “ride along” with other Developers. This allowed him time to learn about Bloodhound’s UI/UX design, get involved with QA, and assist the Sales and Marketing Department with his graphic design skills. Toua has now been promoted to UI/UX Developer at Bloodhound.

Before joining us, Toua gained experience as a Quality Assurance Analyst and an IT Help Desk Assistant. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with a Graphic Design minor from Lakeland University.

Outside of work, Toua enjoys traveling and going on hiking adventures. He also enjoys playing video games, board games, watching anime, and spending time with friends and family. He’s looking forward to seeing the success of future Bloodhound development.

Welcome to the team, Toua!